RC Pro Australia Winter Indoor Championships

Start Date: 07/17/2010
End Date: 07/18/2010
Track: Hobby Habit Indoor Raceway

15 x 6 min heats Re Sort after every 5 NO MAINS Buggy only your buggy must weigh 3.2kg min, open pipe, open tank size. Racing will start with open practice on friday from 6pm and go till Midnight Rounds will start Sat 8am till the end of round 10 Sun 8am till the end of round 15 Qualipoints Carlton Eppes will be the race director Each entrant will receive a event TShirt if you require more please pay $15 per shirt to australia@rcprosites.com and email your size to the same address the cut off date to order extra shirts is 16/6/2010 THEY WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE TO PURCHASE AT THE TRACK